Mission Statement
The purpose of the Saint Philip School Alumni Association is to form a community which offers support to all former students and graduates of Saint Philip School. The Alumni Association exists to preserve the rich traditions of the past by providing the means and resources which will ensure and enable the continuation of Catholic education and Christian values. Saint Philip School’s Alumni Association is dedicated to promoting service to the Saint Philip School community – past, present and future. Through our membership we will help to provide and maintain the school’s academic program as it teaches truth, builds community and inspires service.
Catholic Alumni Partnership (CAP)
Welcome Saint Philip Alumni! Since 1960 Saint Philip School has stayed true to our mission statement “to make quality education a reality as we teach truth, build community, and inspire service.” We are sure you all have many fond memories of your years here at Saint Philip School. Maybe you remember the fun you had at the annual Dribble-a-Thon/Walk-a-Thon or a wonderful teacher that left a lasting impression on you. Perhaps it was friendships you made or attending monthly Mass as a school community; whatever they may be we are sure that Saint Philip School touched your life in a positive way. We at Saint Philip School value our alumni. You are our past and we want you to be a part of our present and future. We invite all our alumni to school events and welcome and value your support.
Maybe you would like to come back to Saint Philip and volunteer for a committee or help out with student activities. We also offer opportunities during the school year for alumni to come back and speak to our students about their careers and the role Saint Philip School played in forming the person you are today. What better way to give back than to share your story and wisdom with our students! If you are interested in participating in any of these activities or receiving more information about them, please feel free to e-mail us at cap@stphilipschool.com. We also would love to hear any stories/fond memories you have of your years here at Saint Philip School and to share those on our website and our Alumni Facebook page. If you would like to share your stories please e-mail them to us.
Here at Saint Philip School we are in the process of updating our alumni database. We would love to stay in touch with you and send you information and updates about what is going on here at our school. Feel free to e-mail us at cap@stphilipschool.com with your name, updated mailing and e-mail addresses and the year you graduated or left our school. Saint Philip School is excited and proud to be part of the CAP Program. The Catholic Alumni Partnership is a nationwide program aimed at helping Catholic elementary schools to reconnect with their alumni.
Ultimately, the Catholic Alumni Partnership’s vision is to create a sustainable fundraising program for every Catholic elementary school with alumni support as its foundation. To learn more about CAP or to make a donation to our school through this program, please click on the link below. Thank you for your support. We look forward to reconnecting with you soon!