“Many Gifts. One Nation”
A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools
With grateful hearts, we THANK YOU!
Our “Many Gifts, One Nation” Day of Giving campaign has come to a close and we are thrilled to report that we ended the day having, not only reached, but surpassed our ambition! With 111% of our goal met, this is the most successful appeal Saint Philip has had to date. Words can’t quite do justice to the overwhelming emotion we’re feeling in this moment.
Our teachers and, ultimately, our students, will immediately benefit from this gift and we are greatly touched by the intentional support of a community who has consistently energized us and offered unwavering reassurance, during a time when it has been needed most. Our promise is to continue to provide YOU, our Cardinal family, with that same sense of security and commitment as we move forward with our mission.
Please know that it is our privilege to have the opportunity to grow in partnership with each of you, as we strive to make a DIFFERENCE for another 60 years!
Thank you again to all who contributed… either with monetary donations, thoughtful encouragement, or lifted prayers. For that, we stay blessed!
Saint Philip School has remained a constant in this community for six decades and those of us here now are blessed with the privilege to continue its tradition of academic excellence, centered around an unmatched faith filled education. Thank you for your commitment to our mission, as we remain consistently motivated by your partnership!
Support our Endowment Fund!
Saint Philip School’s Endowment Fund was established in 2002 by the Saint Philip School Board, for the purpose of providing for the financial needs of Saint Philip School over the long term. Ongoing support of this endowment program has enabled the school to offer programs that sustain and enrich the educational experiences of students and faculty. It is our hope that this endowment fund will help to ensure that present and future generations of Saint Philip School students become productive, caring, resourceful, and contributing members of society.
For information about contributing to the Saint Philip School Endowment Fund, or about considering Saint Philip School during your estate planning, please contact Mrs. Brandy Narducci.