Saint Philip School’s educational philosophy is to educate the whole child, in mind, body, and spirit. As public schools and emergency response agencies within our local community are recognizing the value of therapy dogs to assist with social-emotional learning needs and psychological well-being, Saint Philip School acknowledges that Catholic Schools also have these same needs.
Instituted in response to the many challenges our students face, our
CARDINAL C.A.R.E.S. program is a proactive, innovative, and evidence based initiative for the long-term health, safety and success of our entire school community. We are blessed to be the first Catholic school in the Diocese of Providence to offer a Pet Assisted Therapy program to support our students individually, in small groups, and within the classroom.
Our CARDINAL C.A.R.E.S program includes the following highlights:
Certified and Credentialed Professional Pet Assisted Therapy Team.
Licensed occupational therapist trained in childhood development and specializing in behavioral health and program development.
3-year-old Cavachon therapy dog named Georgi. Georgi is hypoallergenic, temperament tested, and people-loving, with a special fondness for children.

The program is committed to the overall well-being of our students and in helping them build strong foundations for academic and personal success. We recognize that the loyal and unconditional love of a dog will help to illustrate for our school community the true and unconditional love of God!
Click to view a story on our Cardinal C.A.R.E.S Program on WPRI Channel 12