Registration Process

Saint Philip School makes quality education a reality as we teach truth, build community and inspire service as students grow confidently to their individual, spiritual, and intellectual potential.

The admissions process begins at the end of January for the following year and continues on a ‘rolling’ basis after that as spaces become available. Interested parties should contact the school office at 949-1130, ext. 118 for specific information about enrollment/availability.

You can also click here to contact us via email.

Registration Procedures and Forms

Families interested in applying to Saint Philip School should submit a Student Application.

Please note the steps of the application process below:

  • Submitting an online application
  • Student visit and screening
  • Parent meeting with administration
  • Teacher recommendation forms submitted
  • Parent questionnaire submitted
  • All additional required documents to include report cards, standardize test scores, etc. submitted

Please begin the application process by clicking the link below:

The following items will be required durning the application process:

  • Copies of a Student’s Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal/First Communion certificates (if applicable)
  • Current Physical/Immunization
  • Teacher Recommendation Form (if applicable)
  • Parent Questionnaire Form

You can download and print the Teacher Recommendation and Parent Questionnaire form(s) below. Fill out the top box and take it to your child’s current school. The current teacher will complete the confidential form, and send it back to Saint Philip School.

  • Candidates applying for Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten must submit one if they have been enrolled in a previous school/daycare.
  • Candidates applying for 1st to 5th grades must submit one Teacher Recommendation Form.
  • Candidates applying for Middle School (6th to 8th grades) must submit two Teacher Recommendation Forms – one from the current Language Arts teacher and one from the current Math teacher.

With approximately 240 students from Pre-School through Grade 8, our current student body is primarily comprised of students from Smithfield, Johnston, Glocester, Scituate, North Smithfield, North Providence, Burrillville, Foster, Lincoln, Cumberland, and several other communities.

Most of the students are parishioners of Saint Philip Church and many belong to other Catholic parishes. Saint Philip School also accepts students from other faiths as well as those with no religious affiliation.

Students are admitted to Saint Philip School at the discretion of the administration once all components of the application process have been completed. Saint Philip School does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin or handicapping conditions with regard to admission policies, educational policies, or any other school-administered programs.

Upon successful completion of the admissions process to include student screening and parent interview, if admission factors among prospective applicants are considered equivalent, the following is the order in which Saint Philip School will make determinations as to acceptance:

  1. School Families
  2. Parishioners of Saint Philip Church*
  3. Non-Parishioners – Catholic
  4. Non-Catholics

*Parishioner status is granted to those families registered in the parish for at least one year.  The family must have a parish budget and must have contributed a minimum of $12.00 per week.  Families contributing less than that amount ($624) in a year will not be granted parishioner status for the following school year.

If a student is accepted to Saint Philip School, a non-refundable registration fee will be required within two weeks of notification of acceptance.

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