Saint Philip School’s Lower School consists of grades 1-5.
First Grade
First grade students at Saint Philip School utilize real-world applications to begin progressing in the fundamental skills that will carry them throughout their lives. The focus is on the development of reading, writing, math, and keyboarding skills, and an understanding of currency, language, science, and a love of their Catholic faith.
Students are encouraged to do their best, to take pride in their accomplishments, and to develop a true love of learning in a nurturing, faith-filled environment.
Second Grade
The second grade classroom is a positive environment where children are encouraged to be explorers, role models for others, life-long learners, and compassionate beings who appreciate one another’s unique God-given talents and abilities.
The classroom is alive with hands-on activities, crafts, games, work, research, computers, and much more as students study science, social studies, math, literature, reading, and writing. This is an important year for our young people as they will be learning about and making the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Third Grade
The Grade 3 classroom is a place where, first and foremost, love for God and one another is clearly evident. The students in this classroom will prepare all year long to make their Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Children are praised for good behavior, excellent effort, kindness, and respect.
Students utilize several stations throughout the room, including a computer center, a creative center, and a writing center, as a way to deepen their understanding of concepts taught while being able to use a method that most appeals to their individual learning styles in reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Students in Grade 3 will also be learning cursive handwriting using the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.
Fourth Grade
In Grade 4 at Saint Philip School, diversity in learning is celebrated and accomplished using a wide variety of teaching techniques. Flexible, collaborative, learning groups allow students to work together and encourage increased responsibility, mutual understanding, and lesson comprehension.
In this warm and nurturing environment, it is fitting that learning and living our faith takes place not just in our Religion classes, but throughout each day in our interactions with fellow students and teachers. Students will continue to refine their cursive writing while developing more advanced skills in the area of reading and writing for meaning and more advanced mathematical and algebraic concepts.
Fifth Grade
In Grade 5 at Saint Philip School, learning is based on the strategies and approaches that consist of practical methods for helping children build academic and social-emotional competencies now and in their future middle school classes.
Academic material is introduced using a format that encourages autonomy, independence, creativity, and responsibility by allowing students teacher-structured choices within small group, partner, and independent work. Communication and collaboration between teacher, colleagues, and parents is a priority at Saint Philip School to ensure student success academically, socially, and spiritually.