“Many Gifts. One Nation”

A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools

With grateful hearts, we THANK YOU!

Our “Many Gifts, One Nation” Day of Giving campaign has come to a close and we are thrilled
to report that, although we did not quite reach our ambitious goal of $15,000, we saw the
highest number of individual donors to date and our total funds raised surpassed that of last
year’s appeal. Words can’t quite do justice to the overwhelming emotion we’re feeling at this

Our students, YOUR children, will immediately benefit from this gift and we are greatly touched
by the intentional support of a community that has consistently energized us and offered
unwavering reassurance. Our promise is to continue to provide YOU, our Cardinal family, with
that same sense of security and commitment as we move forward with our mission.
Thank you again to all who contributed… either with monetary donations, thoughtful
encouragement, or lifted prayers. For that, we stay blessed!

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